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BDS 3rd year COMPLETE Oral Pathology SLIDES Journal/record book PDF

Original price was: ₹275.00.Current price is: ₹125.00.

BDS 3rd year COMPLETE Oral Pathology slides Journal/record book for practical examination

Pdf: 72mb
Language: English
No. Of pages: 122

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BDS 3rd year  COMPLETE  Oral Pathology SLIDES Journal/record book for practical exam with short note and identification points of the slide.


Slides included

1) H and E stain

2) PAS stain

3) van gieson stain

4) PAP stain

5) PAP stain malignant

6) gram stain

7) acid fast stain

8) blood smear

9) pit and fissure caries

10) smooth surface caries

11) dentinal tubules

12) liquefaction foci of miller

13) pulp hyperemia

14) early response of pulp

15) pulp polyp

16) pulp stone

17) amorphous calcification

18) necrosis of pulp

19) periapical granuloma

20) osteomyelitis

21) inflammatory gingival hyperplasia

22) drug induced gingival hyperplasia

23) pyogenic granuloma

24) peripheral giant cell granuloma

25) peripheral ossifying fibroma

26) radicular cyst

27) dentigerous cyst

28) odontogenic keratocyst

29) calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst

30) aneurysmal bone cyst

31) mucocele

32) fibroma

33) papilloma

34) neurofibroma

35) nerilemmoma

36) hemangioma

37) lymphangioma

38) central giant cell granuloma

39) follicular ameloblastoma

40) plexiform ameloblastoma

41) adenomtoid odontogenic tumor

42) calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

43) ameloblastic fibroma

44) complex composite odontoma

45) ossifying fibroma

46) fibrous dysplasia

47) leukoplakia

48) oral submucous fibrosis

49) carcinoma in situ

50) squamous cell carcinoma

51) verrucous carcinoma

52) malignant melanoma

53) non hodgkin lymphoma

54) pleomorphic adenoma

55) adenoid cystic carcinoma

56) warthin`s tumor

57) mucoepidermoid carcinoma

58) lichen planus

59) pemphigus

60) tuberculosis

61) candidiasis

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