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Sterilisation and disinfection (Microbiology) BDS 2nd year handwritten notes for University exams PDF

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BDS 2nd year ALL SUBJECTS handwritten notes of PATHOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, DENTAL MATERIALS and PHARMACOLOGY. Revision notes for University exams πŸ’― PDF

Original price was: ₹520.00.Current price is: ₹280.00.

BDS 2nd year ALL SUBJECTS handwritten notes of PATHOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, DENTAL MATERIALS and PHARMACOLOGY. Revision notes for University exams πŸ’―

Complete revision notes for BDS 2nd year examination. Important and most frequently asked questions from all the subjects are covered, enough material is provided.
Language: English

PATHOLOGY: total pages:80, MB:36
MICROBIOLOGY: total pages: 67, MB:47
DENTAL MATERIALS: total pages: 127, MB:54.5
PHARMACOLOGY : total pages: 224, MB:139

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Table of contents



PATHOLOGY COMPLETE handwritten notes for BDS 2nd year University exams

Topics covered

1) pathologic classification

2) cellular adaptation and cell injury

3) hypertrophy

4) metaplasia

5) necrosis

6) apoptosis

7) fatty liver

8) amylodosis

9) wound healing

10) shock

11) scurvy

12) sialandenitis

13) edema

14) shock

15) septic shock

16) infective endocarditis

17) erythrocyte sedimentation rate

18) gangrene

19) thrombosis

20) structure and function of cells

21) glycosuria

22) dysplasia

23) precancerous lesion

24) osteomyelitis

25) chronic inflammation

26) acute inflammation

27) neoplasia

28) metastasis

29) anemia

30) megaloblastic anaemia



Microbiology COMPLETE handwritten notes for BDS 2nd year University exams

Β Topics covered

1) koch’s postulates

2) immunity

3) bacterial cell

4) pathogenesis of mycobacteria

5) general properties of virus

6) bacteriophage


8) candidiasis

9) streptococcus

10) hepatitis B

11) gram’s stain

12) horizontal gene transfer

13) thymus

14) graft rejection

15) staphylococcus

16) pseudomonas

17) malaria

18) life cycle of plasmodium vivax

19) immunoglobulins

20) sterilization and disinfection

21) hypersensitivity




1)Dental cements

2)Dental implant materials

3)Biocompatibility of dental materials

4)Dental amalgam

5)Dental casting alloys

6)Direct filling gold

7)Structure and properties of dental materials

8)Tarnish and Corrosion

9)Gypsum products

10)Dental composites

11)Denture base resin

12) Die materials

13) Dental waxes and casting defects

14) Impression materials

15) Dental casting and investment material



Minor headings given in Index☝️

Major headings:





-respiratory system


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